Author: Carolyn Burlingame-Goff

Proposed EUU By-Laws Changes

Changes to be presented at Extraordinary General Meeting at Cologne Retreat

One of our favorite EUU traditions is the moment at the Annual General Meeting when the Treasurer’s Report is projected onto the screen, and we all scratch our heads for five minutes before accepting a … read more.

Fellowship and Not Just Fellowships

EUU President Carolyn Burlingame-Goff

I am luckier than most when it comes to explaining my commitment to Unitarian Universalism in the workplace.  In an English Department, many people know of the connection to Emerson and the Transcendentalists.  Some even know about John Adams and the origins … read more.

EUU President connects in Kolozsvar

Having heard so much about Unitarianism’s roots in Transylvania over the years, I was pleased to represent EUU at the recent opening of The House of Religion in Kolozsvar. I had set myself several goals for the visit: to refresh our contacts and discuss opportunities … read more.

President’s Corner – June

EUU President Carolyn Burlingame-Goff
Making Space for the Unexpected

The last six years of my life have been anything but predictable, and as I reallocate the space in my home for what seems like the umpteenth time, it has made me think about making space for the … read more.

President’s Corner – April

EUU President Carolyn Burlingame-Goff
EUU – What’s in a name?

In the short time I have been EUU President, I have realized how misleading our organization’s name is.  I frequently receive emails from all over the world asking me for the “European” viewpoint on myriad issues. … read more.

President’s Corner – Jan/Feb

EUU President Carolyn Burlingame-Goff
Reflections in the month of Janus

As January begins, I make a ritual of examining Janus’s two faces – one looking back at the year that just ended and one looking forward to the year ahead of us. One hopes to look … read more.