UUA Ambassador Diane Rollert Will Visit Fellowships and CC Meeting

As a part of our extremely successful UUA Ambassador program, Diane Rollert will be visiting the UU Rhein-Main (formerly Wiesbaden) and Geneva Fellowships and attending our semi-annual Coordinating Council Meeting on the first of her two 2019 visits.

On February 3 at UURM’s new home in Frankfurt, the Rev. Rollert will be delivering a homily on “Blue Boat Home: Earth as Sanctuary.”  She describes the central message as follows:

“The Earth is our sanctuary, our mother, our blue boat home. There’s too much distracting us from the reality that we need to act soon and decisively to save our climate and our many beautiful natural sanctuaries from permanent, irreversible damage. How do we draw from our UU faith to take meaningful action?”

​The topic is particularly resonant for UURM, as “Blue Boat Home” has been one of its favorite hymns ever since it was introduced at a service by John Keating. It is one of the few hymns your President and her husband can sing on-key.

The following Sunday, on February 10, Reverend Rollert will join the UU group in Geneva to speak about Bringing Your Spirit Home, focusing on the legacy of our families, the blessings and burdens of our Unitarian Universalist ancestry, and what it takes to find a home for the spirit that helps keep us grounded, honest and strong.

The core goal of the UUA Ambassador Program is to create shared experience between both EUU fellowships and individual members.  The direct relationships we are building with Reverend Rollert provide EUU with a context for its own interactions — increasing solidarity, creativity, coordination, flexibility and growth.  If you would like more information about Reverend Rollert’s visit, please visit these sites:

