Our Democracy

The 5th UU principle affirms “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large”. It’s not always easy – democracy can be a clash of values and interests. Nor can we take democracy for granted. The UUA identified “the corruption of our democracy” as a study issue for 2016-19, and UUA’s General Assembly voted on a statement of conscience on this topic. 

Democracy is also at the core of EUU, the work of the Coordinating Council and all our activities. Our members come together at our Annual General Meetings to make key decisions on budgets, officers and more. We had a General Meeting at the Berlin retreat.

This year is special, as we’ll have a second General Meeting at the upcoming retreat in Bad Homburg. This is because in 2019 we’re in transition, moving our operating year to the regular calendar year. At Bad Homburg, we’ll be voting on the budget and Treasurer’s Report and we’ll also be electing the slate of officers who will start in January 2020.

I hope you will join us for the retreat in Bad Homburg (if you haven’t made up your mind, registration is open for a few more days!) and I invite all EUU members and guests (only members can vote) to come to the General Meeting, which will be held on Saturday, 16 November, directly after lunch, to join again in this fundamental part of our life as a congregation.