Exchange with Janos Sigismund Unitarian Academy (Transylvania)

Dear EUU Youth and EUU Parents,
The Janos Sigismund Unitarian Academy in Cluj-Napoca, Romania has once again offered to host EUU Youth this fall:
– Two EUU Youth (15-18 years) have been invited to participate in an international youth conference the school is organizing (22-28 September, 2018). An adult “chaperone” is also welcome to attend. See attached letter for details and contact us prior to the youth conference deadline of July 15, 2018.
– EUU Youth are also welcome to visit the school independently of this conference the week prior to the EUU Retreat in Cologne. Then, youth can travel to the retreat in Cologne together. Details to be worked out by the interested parties, Jodi can help coordinate with the school. Please let us know by the end of July if you are interested.
EUU Social Action offers to support youth travel expenses (up to 100 EUR). Room and board are provided by the school.
Feel free to contact us directly at . We look forward to hearing from you!
In Gratitude,
Jodi Ellen Stolzenbach
Diana Smith
EUU Social Action Coordinators