Our hope is that through Social Action activities and donations, the EUU can build or maintain their long-term partnerships to both UU and external organizations, for example:

  • The International Women’s Convocation enables women to achieve their human rights, including access to economic opportunities, health care and security, education, and political expression. Our dedicated network of individuals and organizations representing Unitarian Universalists and women and men of progressive faith is taking direct action to improve women’s lives. http://www.intlwomensconvo.org


  • The Liceul Unitarian János Zsigmond (John Sigismund Unitarian Academy) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The SA coordinates funding for the school and promotes exchange between EUU and Unitarian College students.


  • The Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) is a European NGO-Network of 33 organizations from 28 European countries. The SCEP Network seeks to improve the situation of separated children through research, a shared policy and advocacy at national and regional levels. Age assessment, guardianship and durable solutions are the priority areas of SCEP. http://www.separated-children-europe-programme.org