Category: Fellowship News

What’s happening in EUU fellowships.

Calling all at-large members of the EUU!

(updated Jan 9, 2024)

At-large members of the EUU are those of us who are members of EUU but not members of any EUU-affiliated fellowship. (The recently renamed at-large activity “EUU At-Large Informal Online Spiritual Community” does not count as an EUU affiliated fellowship, as it … read more.

“Remember the EUU!”

We urge all EUU Fellowships to regularly inform members about who EUU is, and about EUU membership as a separate membership organization from the local fellowship.

Our EUU community grows from, and finds its organizing energy from, local fellowships. Creating EUU retreats gives a place for … read more.

Místní místním – Local Locals (Prague UU/IUCP Social Action)

by EUU Social Action Committee member Barbara Woodard, IUCP (Prague)


The UU English speaking congregation of Prague dedicated their Christmas service offering to Místní místním (Local Locals) for the purchase of food and drink vouchers which will be given to people living on the street.

Místní … read more.

EUU Social Action Grant award: Aliena (Basel)

In 2020, an EUU Social Action grant was awarded to Aliena, a center that offers multiple forms of support for women working in the sex industry in Basel, for a fundraising production of The Vagina Monologues. Unfortunately, the performance had to be cancelled due to … read more.

Social Action Donation at UU Rhein-Main

by Claudia Searle-White

2020 was a strange year for the UU Rhein-Main fellowship, as it was for all of us. Like many fellowships, we were not able to meet in person more than a handful of times. This meant that we had many online services at … read more.

Reflections on Belgian Colonialism

By Emilie Jarrett and Adrienne Brayman


Living in Belgium as an expat, it is easy to forget or ignore Belgium’s colonial past. Yet, as we as UUs seek to explore our relationship to white supremacy and to become truly anti-racist, it seems essential to start with understanding … read more.