Month: January 2020

The New Year

As UUs, just as we acknowledge that there is not one truth, so we know there are several moments that can mark a new year. For some it’s the start of the fall when summer ends and school begins; then there are the many different … read more.

UU Rhein-Main – New Contact Info, New Officers!

UU Rhein-Main Contact Information Updated!

UU Rhein-main successfully moved from Wiesbaden to our new location in Frankfurt. For a year, we kept Wiesbaden contact information to help ease into our new identity. We still meet on the 1st Sunday of the Month at Church of Christ … read more.

IWC: Empowering Women around the World


By Beth O’Connell

“Life for women in Bolivia is difficult. ‘Machismo’ culture is deeply entrenched. Sexism, misogyny, and violence are everyday occurrences. Many women are economically inactive and have limited job opportunities.”

So explains Calixta Choque Churata, leader of a project in Bolivia for women which is … read more.

The Spirituality of Service

byTerri J Michos, Social Action Coordinator

Unitarian Universalism has as one of its core beliefs that the service of others is a way in which to exercise our faith.

In fact, the Unitarian Service Committee was formed in 1940 with an urgent need to fight injustice, namely … read more.

Result of Social Action Collections in Bad Homburg

Thank you to everyone who attended the November retreat in Bad Homburg and who so generously contributed to our social action collections!


A huge number of eyeglasses were collected this time — 69 pairs plus 51 cases — thus filling an entire box! Aude van Lidth … read more.