Month: October 2022

EUU Workshop Schedule for Saturday Afternoon, Oct 29, 2022

COMBINED SESSIONS 1 and  2: 2–5:30 pm  Excursion to Albert Schweitzer Center and Home

A Pilgrimage to Rediscover and Honor Albert Schweitzer’s Engagement for Peace
John Eichrodt

Discovering and honoring Albert Schweitzer, his theological quest and life-long action for peace. This will include a session at the … read more.

Personal Reflections on the Infinite Spirit of Life

By John Eichrodt, EUU member

Questing for the Infinite Spirit of Life is a life long process. I went through several stages, as I grew conscious of the powerful role of our personal spirituality in guiding and sustaining us in our decisions, in who we become, … read more.