Join UU Women from around the World at a Conference on Peace in September

ICUUW 4th Convocation in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvar, Romania, Sept 5-8, 2024


“Weaving a Tapestry of Peace and New Perspectives”

By Beth O’Connell

This international meeting will focus on the collective need for peace within ourselves and in our communities as we search for ways to respond to intersecting global crises and uncertainties. The event will also be an opportunity to determine how to be more effective change-makers, weaving our own threads of gender equity into a tapestry for a peaceful and sustainable tomorrow.

It’s also an opportunity to travel to the beautiful Transylvanian region and the cradle of Unitarianism. In the culturally rich city of Cluj there is the House of Religious Freedom, a center dedicated to religious liberty and tolerance.

For more information about the keynote speakers, the convocation program including workshops, chalice circles, and social events for fun and fellowship, see the website of the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women

And there is still some limited availability for a 7-day pre-tour of  the region. So act fast and register!

Register here: 4th Convo 2024 September (

Any questions contact Beth O’Connell at, or talk with me after the April 14 Sunday service.