Results of the online survey in preparation for the 2022 EUU Fall Retreat

by Roland Siebeke

A survey to help us prepare for the 2022 EUU Fall Retreat, created by Emily Searle-White and Karen Kyker, yielded 76 responses. The results are very useful to us in our planning process.


61 respondents declared their intention to attend the retreat, almost 80 % of them physically «in person». This result makes the Retreat Committee feel confident in their attempt at a first hybrid retreat experience.

Survey respondents reacted very positively to our call for volunteers for different support functions. Further volunteers will, however, be welcome, for example, a young adult to serve as host to new young adults at the retreat. There may also be the need for a transport coordinator who coordinates transportation to and from Mittelwihr, as well as additional RE teachers should the registration numbers require it.


Participation in the retreat

  • 48 persons intend to participate in the Fall Retreat 2022 “in person;” another 13 persons intend to attend online.

Covid precautions

  • 40 respondents declared they were ok with «in-person» participation, as long as everyone follows the French government recommendations in force at that time
  • Three respondents declared they would attend in person only if a vaccination is required; one person would attend in person only if a mask is required
  • Three other respondents would attend only if a vaccination is not required; one person intends to attend only if a mask is not required
  • There were several recommendations, e.g.:
    • to require masks
    • to require vaccinations
    • to self-test before traveling 


  • For the lead-up to the retreat, in coordination with the retreat committee:
    • several persons are ready to help with publicity/communications/copy writing
    • one person is ready to act as a welcome packet publisher
  • At the retreat itself, 
    • several respondents volunteered for food coordination, facilities liaison, Sunday Service Coordination, and distributing welcome packets at registration
    • 25 persons said they were ready to use their smartphones or laptops while in a workshop to sign in to Zoom to let remote attendees listen to the workshop, and to read questions from online participants out loud so the workshop host can answer them