New Directions for Social Action

EUU’s Social Action work has taken a new turn. We have created a new Social Action Committee (SAC) with 9 members! We have representatives from At-Large (5), Paris (1), Brussels (2) and Bern (1).

The SAC’s focus is to take inclusive decisions about how the Social Action budget is spent Europe-wide, to connect projects and ideas across fellowships and to promote inter-fellowship community building. At our first meeting on 7 June, we were able to define target project areas and choose those closest to each person’s interest.

Areas of activity:

  • Help connect fellowships in social action
  • Publicize on social media and/or website
  • Maintain/rebuild existing partnerships (ICW – International Council of UU Women, Transylvanian Youth…)
  • Build new partnerships such as UUPCC (Partner Church Council)
  • Hold retreat workshops on relevant topics
  • Liaise with EUU Social Action Unifier/website page editor to make sure projects are publicized
  • Manage applications for EUU Social Action Grants
  • Manage the Social Action budget
  • Suggest, research and manage EUU-wide projects &/ or contributions
  • Inform about Social Action for reporting to the CC

Note that the plan for the future is to include projects that involve EUU as a whole, not just at the fellowship level. More committee members (especially from the other fellowships) are welcome, as are ideas for projects we could support.

The Social Action Committee