Spring 2023 Retreat Theme Speaker, the Rev. Meg Riley

This retreat will be the second time we welcome the Rev. Meg Riley as our retreat theme speaker. Her topic in April will be Who are we today and who do we want to become? 

When she visited us in Spa in 2014, many of us already knew her as the Senior Minister of CLF, the Church of the Larger Fellowship of the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). After retiring from CLF, she was elected in 2020 to serve as a Co-Moderator and Chief Governance Officer of the UUA.

A lifelong UU, Meg Riley grew up in congregations in Charleston, West Virginia and Akron, Ohio. Since 1983, she has served UU congregations, organizations, and enterprises in many capacities. Riley has worked to transform the UUA into a multiracial, justice-centered religious movement. She especially wants to support the strong leadership of younger people, people of color, and trans/nonbinary folx throughout Unitarian Universalism.

Meg lives in Minneapolis, MN. She is married to Dr. Nancy Hammond, who recently retired after 37 years as a clinical psychologist, and is the proud parent of Jie Wronski-Riley, 23.