We would like to thank attendees at the November retreat in Cologne for their contributions!

The 24 pairs of eyeglasses that were collected are going to two different charities. Some glasses will be given by the Paris Fellowship to Optic2000, then sent to Burkina Faso. To find out more about where the glasses go, visit optic2000.ch (in French and German) and click on “Engagement” at the bottom of the page. The other glasses will be taken to Egypt by Aude van Lidth de Jeude for distribution to those who need them.

Three backpacks were collected by the Brussels Fellowship and will go to local school children in need.

Stamps from many countries have been passed along by the German Unitarians in Hamburg to a group that does projects for the physically disabled. They sort the stamps and sell them to stamp collectors in order to finance small social projects. Thank you to Laura for organizing this!

Together, the Book Swap donations, the Sunday collection, and the sale of special edition EUT wine totaled €1,615, which has gone into a grant fund for the European Unitarians Together (EUT) retreat in Berlin in June 2019, to help afford everyone the chance to attend. European Unitarians Together is an assembly of Unitarians, Universalists, UUs and related liberal faith traditions from across Europe and beyond. EUU is co-hosting this retreat for the second time with the Unitarier with the shared vision to connect with our extended Unitarian family on a bi-annual basis: we believe we are, simply stated, better together.

We greatly appreciate your generosity and look forward to your future support!

Diana Smith & Jodi Ellen Stolzenbach

Social Action Co-Coordinators
